First of all, here’s two pics of my parents’ guest bedroom, which is mine for the time being:

More interestingly, yesterday I went on a daytrip with my parents to the very pretty Castle Wildegg – my idea, because after a year in two countries with no houses older than 200+ years, I was in the mood for some “proper” history… *g*

All 16 photos can be found here on Flickr.
I was very excited to discover that Jason Mraz would play at the Kaufleuten in Zurich last night – I went by myself, but that did not stop me from having a blast! Originally I had a ticket for a balcony seat (because pit was sold out), but I got there early and decided that there was no way I’d watch the show from all the way up in the back. Instead I went into the pit and was only three rows from the stage, maybe 2 metres from Jason, and had the most relaxed and fun concert experience ever!
Sadly my camera battery died on me early on, but here are the photos (and one video) I managed to take:
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