Meme time

Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Small Talk:: chitchat
  2. Evidence:: CSI
  3. Drifting:: away
  4. Hostage:: situation
  5. Beauty:: pagent
  6. Automatic:: weapon
  7. Asking for it:: begging
  8. Visene:: huh?
  9. No strings attached:: does that work?
  10. Frizz:: I’m using something by The Body Shop which works wonders! ๐Ÿ™‚

Last week of summer break

This week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Spacious:: free
  2. Crash:: car
  3. Autobiography:: Bill Clinton
  4. Sparkly:: dancing boys
  5. Wild Thing:: *headbangs*
  6. Haagen-Das:: yum!
  7. Sci-fi:: Asimov
  8. Voice:: lost
  9. Boy Scouts:: Pfadi (that’s what they’re called in Switzerland)
  10. Grief:: Loss

The thought that uni starts again next Monday is somewhat unsettling. I’m nowhere near ready – things haven’t been done that should have and I’m generally not feeling prepared. Most of it is my own fault, for not forcing myself to do stuff – for example I’ve been wasting the last days doing, well, nothing much, instead of finishing my internship report.

Feels as if all the things I’m supposed to be doing are piling up in front of me and immobilizing me. Usually I have days when I wake up full of energy and the will to tackle things, but it’s been a week since I’ve felt even remotely like that. Not that I’m depressed, that’s not it – it just feels as if I’m in some sort of limbo.

Oh well, whining about it won’t make it go away either.

Meme time again

Felt quite crappy all week long – first flu of the season, I guess. Also felt bad because I couldn’t write on my internship paper, but just had to accept that. Luckily on Thursday I felt a bit better, so I went to the spa with Sibylle and sweated it all out. Been feeling tons better since then, except for some aches in my back and shoulder. Well enough to go to work this weeken, in any case… Oh joy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, here are this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Courage:: hobbits (too much LotR, huh? *g*)
  2. Stamina:: endurance
  3. Leader:: Hitler – ugh!
  4. Idea:: brilliant
  5. Rockstar:: baby, LA lady ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Dew:: Barrymore
  7. Guards:: down
  8. Lenny:: Kravitz
  9. Alliance:: Last (again with the LotR… *g*)
  10. Cigarettes:: and Chocolate Milk (by Rufus Wainwright)

Been thinking of compiling a list with songs with ‘chocolate’ in their title. Just because. Anyone got recs for that?

Unconscious Mutterings

Feeling a bit under the weather – just listless and a bit achy in strange places. Not in the mood to be productive and write for uni, so I’m playing the association game

  1. Diminishing:: feelings
  2. Fed up:: with it
  3. 3:00 AM:: too damn early!
  4. Interfere:: with me
  5. Often:: not enough
  6. Hay:: fever
  7. Prediction:: comes true
  8. Homophobia:: abdomination
  9. Booty call:: not my thing
  10. Enunciate:: I must admit, I had to look that up in the dictionary…

Music meme

If you’ve got your mp3 player on, whatever song comes up next on it? Go to YouSendIt and send it to evamaria {AT} chocolatedream DOT net. And if you’d like, I will do the same in return.

Here are the files I sent and received, so you can d/l them, too (whenever possible). Added continuously. Enjoy – I know I do! *g*
The Pogues – Pachinko
Chicane – Andromeda
Ryan Adams – Firecracker
David Bowie – Fame 90 (remix)
The Tractors – Tulsa Shuffle

Dougie MacLean – Eternity
.hack/sign OST – Open Your Heart
Tori Amos – The Doughnut Song (wma)
Finntroll – Trollhammaren
Angie Stone – That Kinda Love (wma)
Tool – Schism

Just keep the word ‘random’ in mind, okay? *g*

Meme time

Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Self-esteem:: most important thing
  2. Migraine:: splitting
  3. Phoebe:: from Friends
  4. Nervous:: breakdown
  5. Punctual:: don’t keep me waiting in the cold!
  6. Liver damage:: drinking
  7. Legal disclaimer:: hopefully protecting me from lawsuits about fanfiction ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Reverend:: that guy from ‘Medicine Woman’
  9. Supple:: mouthwatering
  10. Binder:: uni

Mutterings and new gadgets

Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. GAME BOY:: “It’s ah-me, Mario!”
  2. Biopsy:: uncomfortable (or am I confusing it with something else?)
  3. Attack:: from behind
  4. Convention:: Jane Austen
  5. Jewels:: not big on them – but I do like my greenstone necklace from NZ
  6. Genetics:: scares me, sometimes
  7. Impostor:: make-believe
  8. Doug:: Ross, from ER ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Arbitrary:: decision
  10. Oscillate:: back and forth

Two friends I met online moved in together and got rid of a lot of stuff – and I could not resist the opportunity to buy some of it. So now my family has a microwave for the first time, and I’ve got TV and DVD in my room. Have yet to hook up the TV, but I really like the thought of not having to negotiate with my father every time I want to watch something during the evening. I also bought some exercise gear – we’ll see if I can make myself use it regularly… *g*

My stuffed animals had to make way for the black monster (it’s an older Sony model) – it felt really weird to pack them away in a box under my bed. As if I was betraying them, despite the fact that they’d just been sitting in a corner of my room, gathering dust anyway… Such a lot of them, too – I never realized how many I have that really mean something to me. Not all of them from when I was a kid, but also things that I got in the last couple of years from friends and family. I could never get rid of them, I’m much too sentimental… ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s Sunday again

That means, time for the Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Olympics:: 24/7
  2. Wicked:: witch
  3. Intoxicating:: freedom
  4. Radical:: measures
  5. Misinformed:: prejudice
  6. Triplets:: too many kids at once! ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Coronation:: Street
  8. Asimov:: Isaac
  9. Contemporary:: art
  10. 1:: world

While recuperating from that short bout of flu, I fixed, moving it over to my own webspace and abandoning the reading rec project (the database was lost and no one except for myself posted there anyway). It’s now my bookish domain, with my reading log and my book fanlistings.

I used WordPress again and had to do some tweaking and stuff until everything was the way I wanted it to. I’ve never ran into so many problems while building a site before – but luckily it’s now all up and running…

Meme time

Tired, tired. Had to work yesterday morning – getting up at 7am really is too early… ๐Ÿ™‚ And last night was quite cold, so despite not being in bed before 1am (because I went to see the excellent Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind with Sibylle) I was up again before eight… I think tonight, after work, I’ll try and get some sleep – I feel as if I’m getting a bit sick. Oh well, no matter – here are this week’s Unconscious Mutterings instead:

  1. Server:: crash
  2. Charlotte:: Good
  3. Jackson:: Michael
  4. Resentment:: underlying
  5. Controlling:: behavior
  6. Intense:: moment
  7. November:: grey
  8. Donkey:: Shrek
  9. Weave:: flax
  10. Satisfies:: myself

Bye bye bye for a while!

I’ve been preparing for my vacation and am almost ready now. I’m pretty excited, because I’ve never been on a road trip like this before – Mรคrrie and I will rent a car and tour Scotland for ten days! Exciting, exciting…

I’ve always wanted to see more of Scotland – and renting a car is cheaper and more flexible than taking the train or bus. My only problem is that I don’t have much driving experience, since we don’t own a car – but luckily Mรคrrie is a good driver, so I’m sure we’ll manage.

We’ll also take a tent, but I’ve made it pretty clear that I won’t camp if it’s cold or wet. I’ve been to Edinburgh in July before, again with a tent, and the weather was simply awful. Wet and miserable, and me with a flu. Not doing that again, believe me… ๐Ÿ™‚

Am going to post a farewell post when I get back from work (where I will hopefully manage to finish the rough draft of my paper) and meeting Sibylle tonight. My parents will be back then, too – they’ve been on vacation for a week. I’m glad they’re back in time to say goodbye to me!

Unrelated – this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Sleep:: deprived
  2. Stats:: website
  3. Portfolio:: presenting what one has done?
  4. Lipton:: ice tea
  5. Telly:: British
  6. Immigrate:: here
  7. Viable:: solution
  8. Serene:: state of mind
  9. Mountain:: climbing
  10. Natalie:: Portman