Concert experience

Yesterday Sibylle and I had tickets to see Coldplay in Zurich – and for the first time ever, we didn’t take the train, because I have my neighbours’ car at my disposal.

I must admit, I’m surprised every time at how well the driving goes (this is the third time this year that the neighbours let me use their car during their vacation). Of course I have weaknesses due to a lack of practice, but already on Friday I drove for several hours, mostly over curvy country and mountain lanes – and that was with my parents, which always makes me nervous. So yes, driving to Zurich yesterday went okay – we then parked in the garage and went to enjoy the concert.

Goldfrapp opened and Coldplay put on a great show, so we had an awesome time, despite some hick-ups like tall (and smelly) people crowding around us. The real horror came after – sitting in the garage for almost an hour, waiting to be able to leave. A prime road rage opportunity, which luckily no one used, except for some honking.

And then there was the drive back. Luckily for me Sibylle had missed her train because of the jam in the garage, so I had company for my very first nightly highway experience. Not being able to see further than my headlights made me nervous, and I was always glad when there were other cars in front of me. Well, enough of that. Obviously I made it back in one piece – got home around 1.30am.

Now I’m up again already – haven’t been able to sleep very well, so I’m already looking forward to going to bed tonight, truth be told… But I’m glad I had this experience – it’s definitely made the Coldplay concert a memorable one! 🙂

Travel soundtrack

I just posted the ‘ultimate’ version of a playlist I created for my Japan trip to my travel journal: Japan 2005 – 21 songs, with some explanations why I chose them. Thought some of you might like it.

Just something I felt like doing, since I’ve been feeling a bit quiet and subdued today. I’m also uploading my photos right now, although it’ll take a while, as there are almost 400 of them… 🙂

And my mom just came home with the last raspberries of the summer. Happiness. *smile*

Appearing quickly

Did manage to finish the paper (yay!), but am still pretty busy (and slightly stressed about it) because the new semester has started and my parents’ silver wedding anniversary is next weekend. Trying not to freak out over everything that still needs doing… Just wanted to check in quickly and post this banner:

(German site looking for realistic solutions for the file sharing problem, since there’s been so much talk about criminalizing us evil pirates.)

Hello, Monday!

Should be working on a presentation I have on Wednesday, but thought I’d share a song I’ve adored for years: Under the Milky Way by 80’s Aussie band The Church. Also, as an extra, Sleeping with Butterflies from Tori Amos’ upcoming album The Beekeeper (release date: Feb 21, 2005).

And this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Material world:: material girl
  2. Satin sheets:: slick on bare skin
  3. Blizzard:: I want snow!
  4. Real estate:: business
  5. Dress up:: ballroom dancing
  6. Wesley:: Crusher
  7. Robber:: bride
  8. Saliva:: drool
  9. Slave:: girl
  10. Shift:: early

New Year’s photos and a music rec

Having finally found an easy solution to post several photos with thumbnails at once (PhotoFrame), you can now check out the few pictures I took on New Year’s Eve with my friends, here.

Also, Chris Price, an artist from the Washington, DC area, got in touch with me. I checked him out and must say I really enjoyed his music – it’s melodic electronic pop, mindful of the 80s (a great decade for pop music, I think) that has you swaying along in no time, with a beautiful soft voice (one of my weaknesses). He’s got some info and his soon-to-be-released single ‘Charge Me Up’ available for download on the Washington Post mp3 site, so have a listen!

Music list

I’ve finally found a software that enables me to export my music list from iTunes in html – so feel free to check out my over 6000 mp3s here!

If you ask nicely, I might just upload songs you’d like to hear to YSI… 🙂

Musical discovery

I’ve been surfing around on this portal for bands from my home town – and, while I also found that the label ‘indie’ or ‘pop’ and the fact that it’s been done by local people doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll like something, I also discovered a band that I really like: Valiumspeed.

The cool thing is that they’ve got a very nice acoustic version of ‘Beautiful’ (written by Linda Perry, best known as performed by Christina Aguilera), which is downloadable – plus five full songs from their latest album. I’d call it angsty indie-pop and recommend them to everyone, really.

Here is the bio from their website in English, and here‘s some more information, as well as the possibility to purchase their 2003 album “Ain’t Love Grand”.

Download from YSI:
Beautiful (with Vreni Stadelmann, from 2003’s ‘Digitalfolk’, a self-produced acoustic EP)
Close to You (from ‘Evergreen Ballroom’, their 2004 album)

And if anyone would like to buy me one of their CDs for Christmas, feel free to do so… *g*

Music meme

If you’ve got your mp3 player on, whatever song comes up next on it? Go to YouSendIt and send it to evamaria {AT} chocolatedream DOT net. And if you’d like, I will do the same in return.

Here are the files I sent and received, so you can d/l them, too (whenever possible). Added continuously. Enjoy – I know I do! *g*
The Pogues – Pachinko
Chicane – Andromeda
Ryan Adams – Firecracker
David Bowie – Fame 90 (remix)
The Tractors – Tulsa Shuffle

Dougie MacLean – Eternity
.hack/sign OST – Open Your Heart
Tori Amos – The Doughnut Song (wma)
Finntroll – Trollhammaren
Angie Stone – That Kinda Love (wma)
Tool – Schism

Just keep the word ‘random’ in mind, okay? *g*

Stuff for you, stuff for me… :)

I’ve been using YouSendIt to send people mp3s etc. without overloading anyone’s inbox – but because that site seems to be down at the moment, I found SendThisFile, which appears to be even better.

For example, I sent a friend who’s having a rough couple of days because of a sick cat some feel-good music, which should be available for 60 hours:
Leslie Mills – Good Life
The Streets – Fit But You Know It
Sanseverino – Mal O Mains

And I added what I call the gift box to this site, where people can send me music and stuff. You’ll need a password, though, so I know who can send me files. Just drop me a line and chances are I’ll give it to you – who doesn’t like to get gifts, after all… 🙂

Also, last but not least – I’ve got six gmail invites. I rarely use mine when I’m at home, but it’s pretty cool for traveling, because of 1Gig of storage space. First come, first serve. *g*

Edit: All invites gone. Also, maximum downloads has been reached with SendThisFile, so no more music, too. Sorry. 🙂