Moving things

Now that I’m actively trying to create actual content for this blog, the daily Twitter digest posts were getting on my nerves. So now you can find them in the sidebar, along with all the other clutter. Also new in the sidebar is ‘Question Time’, where I might ask you your opinion on stuff every now and then.

In other ‘moving’ news, there’s a first open viewing of my flat next Thursday, so today my mom came by with my aunt and uncle’s car, and we ferried a carload of stuff from my shelves to my parents’ basement (books, DVDs, paperwork, stuffed animals and assorted knickknacks). I just couldn’t face having a bunch of strangers judge my clutter, and I have NO SPACE to store boxes here in my shoebox of a one-room flat. Since I was in New Zealand when my parents moved away from Basel (where I’d been living with them), I actually have my own storage room in the basement of their apartment building, so that’s very handy indeed.

My bed, with clutterI should have stored much more of my stuff there when I had to move to this smaller place last year, but honestly it surprised me how trapped I ended up feeling in my over-full flat. I always figured I liked having my stuff around, that it made me feel at home (I shipped myself some of my favorite books and stuff like a blanket and photos to New Zealand, actually), and I usually managed to keep it more or less tidy and cozy, instead of cluttered and messy. But yeah, I definitely discovered that after a certain stuff-to-space ratio I simply stop caring about order, as I become overwhelmed by the fact that, no matter what I do, the flat always looks messy and makes me feel claustrophobic.

At least this means I should be able to feel a bit more relaxed in these last 10 weeks here… And in my next flat, wherever that will end up being after Haiti, I’ll either need more space again (as I had in my first Zurich flat) or go for a more minimalist approach (as I did in New Zealand, which was a result of luggage restrictions and shipping fees *g*). Until then, it’s off to the basement for most of my stuff in any case, as I’ll be staying in my parents’ guest bedroom before and after Haiti.

Who’d have thought I’d be 30 (in January 2011), without a job, and living with my parents? 😛