- Stupid hayfever! It took all my willpower to drag my ass to work today. 8 hours until I can collapse on my couch. Let's hope I'll make it… #
- The good: This is the last day before the nation-wide smoking ban. Starting tomorrow I can go to a restaurant or bar and not smell like ash! #
- (For clarification: I don't mind people smoking, that's their choice – I just mind them smoking all over me and my lungs.) #
- RT @Kiva: We can win $1M with your tweet today. Be sure to include @SamsClub #Sams4Kiva in your msg – Please RT! #
- So fricking tired and not much to do at work. TGIF indeed! #fb #
- Remembered a way to pass the time: Writing my Blogging Against Disablism post! BADD 2010 is tomorrow – http://tinyurl.com/BADD2010 #
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