My daily life on Twitter ( 2010-04-29)

  • As bday present my dad wants me to organize their Greece vacation.Of course I promptly dreamed of it and now really want a beach holiday. 🙂 #
  • Cam's discomfort about her daughter's sexuality makes me cringe. She's an adult and a scientist – are those hangups normal in the US? #bones #
  • Oi. Good thing I didn't know Gareth David Lloyd was going to Fedcon, else I might have been tempted to go anyway, money or not… *flails* #
  • (I did want to go as staff again, but for the first time they had enough people already. *sadface*) #
  • RDJ on @Wossy while I wait for my laundry to finish – how can one man be so charming and irresistible? And I'm not even really a fan. #
  • Just started watching Pineapple Dance Studios – oh boy, the founder is a follower of The Secret. If that crap gets pushed, I'm gone! #tv #
  • Hm. Shall I re-read @neilhimself's 'American Gods' for One Book, One Twitter ( #1b1t #
  • So, what's your first computer memory? (via @geekgirls) 😛 #

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