Mobile updates on 2009-04-14

  • Might make it a short work day, as I’m not feeling too hot. Seeing the doc to get another cortison shot in a few hours. #
  • “Embarrassing and ham-fisted”, indeed.. We’ll see if everything will be fixed now. #amazonfail #amazonsorry #
  • Cortison, yay? At least I can go home now… #
  • Dear @petewentz, you make my heart smile… (Also, Patrick playing drums – oh boy! *g* #
  • What with #amazonfail I decided to try out – international postage adds up, but there’s still real bargains. šŸ™‚ #
  • Dear Youtube, I do not want to sign in with my Google account. I have a perfectly usable Youtube account, why won’t you let me use that? :/ #
  • Whee, the Rejects are coming to Zurich after all, on June 3, after canceling in February. Definitely going! #
  • Aww, Sgt. Hathaway (on ‘Lewis’) and a girl? I’m disappointed- I was kinda hoping they’d keep him sexually conflicted, he did it so prettily! #
  • Currently loving Heston Blumenthal – watching him cook a whole pig in a jaccuzzi entertains me enormously. And on that cheery note, g’night! #

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