Mobile updates on 2009-04-13

  • Slept until almost 8 – awesomesauce! One more day of freedom… #
  • Watching last night’s Amazing Race. People (ie. the red-haired sisters) should get penalties for rudeness to locals, seriously! #
  • This explains nicely why I was so bothered by #amazonfail: #
  • Another nice thing about living away from my mom’s eyes: I get to eat poire Helene (pears and chocolate mousse) for lunch… *g* #
  • Babelfish must be the worst online translator EVER. *facepalms* Anyway, the tree outside my window is suddenly covered in leaves – pretty! #
  • Babelfish translation for ‘Blutbuche’, the tree outside my window: blood books. LEO tells me it’s copper beech. Guess which one is right.. #
  • Sitting at the lake, along with half the city. #
  • Aaaaah, so that’s why I’ve been craving insane amounts of chocolate and other junk… *feels instantly justified* #
  • And thus ends my mini-vacation… G’night, internets! #

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