Mobile updates on 2009-04-04

  • Happy Saturday morning! Backing up my MacBook before upgrading to Leopard. Can’t wait for the new iPhoto! #
  • Whoever designed the drain in my shower should be forced to clean it – disgusting! #
  • WTF?! Why is my AppleMail completely EMPTY after the update? That’s NOT GOOD. *freaks out a little* #
  • Update situation unresolved but had to catch train to Basel. Meeting friend and seeing hairdresser. #
  • On the train back with flatwarming pressies from T. and new hair. There just was a Spiderman on some roof there… /random #
  • Have finally reached the latest FOB Loveline. Cracking me up: @fuckcity twitter shout out and vegan bjs… *g* #
  • I love you. ( #
  • If I can’t fix the problem with Mail I’m going to have to bring my MacBook to the shop. NOOOOO! *clings* #
  • Oh dear god, THANK YOU – Mail restored! Without Google I’d be so lost… #
  • Bah. Just noticed that, although the set up is there and I can get mail – my Mail folders are EMPTY still. Email from 15 or so years. GONE! #
  • Woof! Email has been mostly rescued- only inbox and drafts seem to be lost for good. Inbox is still bad, considering how many replies I owe. #
  • Ooh, there’s Wolvie trailer on my TV! And now I’ll stop with the computer stuff and go to bed. Night, people! #

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