So, Instagram

My friend Amy came over from the UK for a nice long weekend – mostly for Fasnacht, but we also managed to fit in a trip to the spa and into the snowy Bernese Alps. She also got me to finally sign up to Instagram. I’ve set up DsgnWrks Instagram Importer, because I figure this might be a nice way to share a bit of my day-to-day life here on my own, forever-neglected blog… Enjoy! 🙂

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@Regrann from @hao_bu_hao (i.e. best visitor <3): Goodbye fair Switzerland! It has been an excellent trip with 4 hour spas, mountains, snow, fire, lanterns, confetti, waggis, and most importantly catching up with @evamaria_ch, who is also the best host ever. #switzerland #friends #fasnacht #chienbäse #liestal

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Photo taken at: Chienbäseumzug Liestal

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