Changed the blog layout. It’ll never be perfect, but I do quite like this.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues, though! 🙂
Happy weekend…
Changed the blog layout. It’ll never be perfect, but I do quite like this.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues, though! 🙂
Happy weekend…
The RSS feed of my Youtube account with the latest updates can be found in the sidebar. Opinions, compliments and questions to be answered in future editions are very welcome! *g*
The long Easter weekend the whole family spent in Schwangau, at the foot of the famous fairy tale castle Neuschwanstein, celebrating my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. The five of us really enjoyed spending some quality time together – and the fact that the Bavarian landscape was gorgeous, the castle touristy but stunning, the food plentiful and great and we got to spa to our hearts’ content didn’t hurt either… 🙂
See all 67 photos in my Flickr album. I also uploaded photos from last week’s Mika concert in Basel:
Incidentally, I moved Flickr accounts and let my old Pro account expire. If this breaks any links I do apologize – it was a result of Flickr refusing to let you change your name in the web address.
Checked and edited the links list – blogroll, fun & games, Mac tools and Resources should now all be working and reflect some changes.
Have a new layout. 🙂
Part of my problem is that I’m reading a number of awesome blogs, and they’re making me feel seriously inadequate. I guess I can talk a good game on all sorts of subjects, but I never quite got in the ‘serious blogging’ mode. So yeah, at least now you have my brandnew shared Google links in the sidebar…
Using to show off my Flickr photo album all nice and pretty, I added a page for my Project 365 photos.
In other news, I went to Basel last weekend and ended up at a skater party in Nordstern with Sibylle and Jean, where we also ran into Sibylle’s brother and his girlfriend. The music was all reggae, which got repetitive pretty quick, but still – dancing’s never bad, right?
Found another minimalist layout I quite like, courtesy of If the Flickr stream resolves (at the time I’m typing this it’s still blank) it might stick around for a bit…
In other news boss is still out of the country until Thursday, probably. Which means I “work” half-days – not much actual work involved, more sitting around surfing the net. Or, y’know, changing my blog layout. *g*
Off to celebrate in Basel with friends – looking very much forward to the fireworks over the Rhine and am hoping to be able to take some photos with my new camera.
I actually wanted to get the earlier bus, but then I discovered Friendfeed, a nifty little tool to keep track of my various online activities (this blog, my travel log, Twitter, Flickr, LibraryThing, etc.) and got side-tracked… 🙂
It’s now the main part of the main page, but the direct page is here. As always you can find RSS feeds etc. on my Get connected page.
Wishing all of you a great start into 2009! 2008, for me, was awesome (best year of my life, seriously!) and I hope 2009 will be a good one, too…
I just realized that my reading log, long neglected and finally imported here, had actually been hacked – every single post and page. A pity about my content, but it shows that getting rid of it was the right choice… I just don’t quite understand why it still showed my entries on the blog index page – I would have certainly noticed if that had been affected. Oh well, hopefully that’s all done now.
Anyway, it’s the weekend – a gloriously free weekend, with no appointments, no real plans. Sadly, also a weekend during which I’m struggling with a cold, which is not so much fun. However, I did at least finally get around to uploading the latest of my photos to Flickr. Here some of my favorites from the last couple of weeks:
Edit: New layout, just because. We’ll see how long it lasts… 🙂