Winter poem

Sibylle sent this to me – beautiful, isn’t it?

Now Winter Nights Enlarge

Now winter nights enlarge
The number of their hours;
And clouds their storms discharge
Upon the airy towers.
Let now the chimneys blaze
And cups o’erflow with wine,
Let well-tuned words amaze
With harmony divine.
Now yellow waxen lights
Shall wait on honey love
While youthful revels, masques, and courtly sights
Sleep’s leaden spells remove.

This time doth well dispense
With lovers’ long discourse;
Much speech hath some defense,
Though beauty no remorse.
All do not all things well;
Some measures comely tread,
Some knotted riddles tell,
Some poems smoothly read.
The summer hath his joys,
And winter his delights;
Though love and all his pleasures are but toys,
They shorten tedious nights.

Thomas Campion (1567–1620)

Remembering 2001

I guess we’re all remembering today what happened three years ago. 9/11 really changed the world, didn’t it? I feel like it’s our generation’s equivalent of when JFK got shot – everyone I know knows exactly where they were when they heard about it. I was one of the last people to know, probably – we were camping at Fishriver Canyon in Namibia, without power, and didn’t hear about it until Sept 12, when we fuelled up. The guy there had a tiny radio which he held to his ear while serving us – he told us about it, but with much exaggeration (luckily ther weren’t 200’000 dead), so that we rode on to Swakopmund (where we finally got details) shell-shocked and halfway convinced that WW III was bound to start…

Anyway, good thoughts and prayers to everyone who lost someone or was otherwise affected. Sadly, Beslan has just shown us again that human beings do the most frightful things to each other – and I hope I will never be able to truly understand how anyone can do something like this to someone else.

Unrelated – my 21 days of horror (not a single day off!) start today. Pity me! 🙂

A love story

My parents are celebrating their 25th engagement anniversary today. They’ve gone out, to a museum and later to dinner, all dressed up and happy. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my parents’ love story here – yet it’s definitely something that has shaped the way I see the world. They’re living proof for all my romantic notions of love at first sight and forever, much more than any movie or TV show…

You must know, they met when they were both over fourty, on 14 July 1979. And if you are quick, you already have put two and two together and realized that that means that they got engaged less than a month later – and if you know how old I am, you know that they were married and had a child on 5 January 1981, not even 1 1/2 years later… Quite impressive for a confirmed bachelor (everyone was convinced he’d stay single) and a nurse who’d come to terms with her spinsterhood when she met the man who changed it all.

They met at the wedding of the brother of a friend of my mother’s, where my father officiated (is that the word?) – in other words, he was the minister. But after the service they got talking, and both say that they knew right away that this was meant to be. Less than a month later, after exchanging letters almost daily, on 10 August 1979, my father drove down to where my mom worked in a rehab facility, and they spent the day together, going for long walks and talking. The very next day, they got engaged.

Their love today is still as strong as it was then, right from the start, despite all their differences in personality and all the ups and downs of everyday life. They have given me so much, but their greatest gift has been their love, for each other and for us children. It’s an inspiration to me, and living proof that there is such a thing as the One True Love God has destined us to find.

Spring is here…

On my way home from uni (where the Online Journalism teacher turned out to be Cyberwriter from my blogroll – global village, anyone? *g*) it just hit me what a beautiful, beautiful evening it was.

Although already 8pm, the air was still warm and the setting sun was tinting everything in warm gold tones. People were sitting on the grass in the park, their bikes lying next to them, just enjoying what almost felt like a summer evening. But the best part was the air, heavy with fragrance, so sweet it was almost cloying. Simply breathtaking, in the best sense of the word, it more than made up for what had been quite a bad day, both because of my shoulder and my mental state.

Sunset from the kitchen balcony

This is my (sadly failed) attempt to catch the atmosphere from out kitchen balcony. Click the thumb to get the big one.

Oh, dear God…

Was watching ‘Friends’ on the French channel when they announced that terrorists (probably from the ETA, the Basque independence movement) have set off several bombs in train stations and on trains. 186 dead, thousands wounded.

Does the horror never stop? I only understood half of what they were saying in French, but god, the pictures… My mom started crying, it’s so bad. I’m so shook up now.

Here’s the link to the CNN news about it.

Between the years

Have enjoyed Christmas thoroughly, despite having to work both on the 25th and 26th. It was a really lovely family holiday, and the days since have been spent spending time with friends.
I just love having the energy again to go out and do stuff, without feeling under pressure or overwhelmed. I truly appreciate that again.

Have to work the next four days — today, too, until after 9pm. But I’ll go out to meet some friends afterwards anyway, just for a drink or two and to watch the fireworks over the Rhine. Everyone and their dog will be there.

Unrelated to the season — I took this picture on Saturday while sitting in one of my favorite cafés. Beautiful, isn’t it?

I also took some pics on Christmas Eve, trying to capture the things that make it special to me. Don’t know that I succeeded, but that can’t be helped.
Continue reading

Sweet like summer…

My mom came home from a conference – and brought raspberries!

Now, everyone who knows me, knows that I love raspberries, LOVE them. They’re my absolutely favorite fruit in the world. And this summer they’ve been rare, probably due to the draught.

So now, I’m happy. Very happy indeed. I think the main reason is the memories, the fact that to me raspberries equal summer, and carefree playing in the sun as as a child. It means our holiday home on a small lake in Switzerland, next to a big meadow with grass high enough that a small child could get lost (or hide) in it. It means picking raspberries from the bush in the evening and eating the first ones while they’re still sun warm and the rest later with cream together with the family.

Whenever I eat a raspberry, or smell one, it brings me back, and I can’t help but smile and feel the summer warmth of my childhood wash over me.

A friend made me a LiveJournal icon last summer, that still means a lot to me:

Spinning out of control

Last night, on the high of a Very Good Day, I played with my camera, my new flash card, my brother’s new Ska-p CD, and Imovie, which resulted in a very funny and absolutely embarrassing little film:
To be seen or downloaded as QuickTime file here.

And I so know that I’ll regret putting this online – some things should remain private… 🙂

Picknick in the sun

My mom had made cake yesterday, which I hadn’t eaten because I was at work. Therefore this afternoon found me sitting in my room, on the floor in the one spot reached by the sun, window wide open, eating delicious blackberry/peach cake while listening to my new CD and reading Alice Sebold’s “The Lovely Bones” (one of my favorite books ever). Bliss. One of those days that stick in your memory with warmth and love and peace…

Speaking about memories – here’s this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Partner:: would be nice, but isn’t necessary at the moment.
  2. Goddess:: why not?
  3. Village:: small, narrow, but peaceful
  4. Relationships:: spice up life
  5. Irrational:: I try not to be
  6. Volcano:: Hawaii
  7. Fabulous:: glitter and glamour
  8. Unencumbered:: a lovely feeling…
  9. Coyotes:: funny looking creatures
  10. Fulfilled:: right this moment

Btw, if you want your own email addy – there’s a link for that in the new fun section to the right.


I had just changed and was trying to figure out if I should take my bike or the tram to the city to meet Regina, when all of a sudden it started to rain. Real rain, not the drizzling it’s been doing all day long – the kind of rain that makes the earth breathe with relief. The kind of rain that makes me want to run outside and dance in it.

With regards to my pretty clothes I didn’t – but I did stand out on the balcony and took a quick rainshower.

It’s almost stopped again already, at least for the moment, but the horizon is bright with the last rays of the sun and everything seems just a bit greener, as if it’s been washed…