I know that it’s Monday…

But anyway – here are the Saturday Senses:
[taste]:: If you could no longer taste any liquids/drinks, which liquid/drink would you miss and which would you be happy not to taste anymore?
I’d miss the fresh and comforting taste of peppermint tea, which is just about my favorite drink in the world. I would not mind not being able to taste coffee, truth be told.

[touch]:: If you could no longer feel physical pain, which kind of pain would you be happy to never feel again (I know all sorts of pain are bad, but choose one that is specifically the worst for you).
I’m not good with pain in general, but seeing that every month I’ve got cramps (although not so bad anymore, thanks to the wonders of the pill) I definitely wouldn’t mind getting rid of those…

[sight]:: If you could no longer read, which part of your life would be most affected? Additionally, look around you and try to imagine how many things you wouldn´t be able to do in the room you´re in if that ever happened.
Not being able to read? That would be the most awful thing in the world! No online anymore and, even worse, no books? My room is filled with shelves and shelves of books — it’d just about kill me not to be able to read them anymore…

[smell]:: Which food´s smell is so much “part of the food” that you´d miss smelling if you could no longer smell anything you eat?
Oh, there are so many things where the smell is an important part of it — but I think I’d miss most smelling anything with chocolate, vanilla or honey in it, because those give the food so much more of a comfort factor.

[hearing]:: If you could no longer hear people´s voices, whose voice would you be glad not to hear and whose voice would you miss hearing?
There are some voices that grate in my ears, mostly when people have the habit of yelling instead of speaking. I’m mostly thinking of some of my old people at the retirement home here. And miss? I’d miss the voices of anyone I love, because the voice is so much part of them…


All in all I had a good weekend — spent Saturday with Adrian, taking a little road trip through Switzerland, and then spent most of Sunday in front of the TV before meeting a couple of friends for drinks and chats in the evening.

The TV marathon happened because at the moment I am completely hooked on the first season of ’24’, which I borrowed from Adrian. I started watching yesterday morning and am halfway through now — that show has me on my toes, that’s for sure… 🙂

This is the last week of uni before the break, but I’m not feeling very productive at the moment, regardless of the two papers I’m supposed to write and the article about blogging that I should have finished next Saturday and have not even started. This semester was over so very quick, it’s crazy, and I didn’t really accomplish anything. Hopefully I’ll be better next semester, what with spring coming and all…

And here’s this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Identity:: crisis
  2. Reveal:: myself
  3. Live:: life to the fullest
  4. Attitude:: problem
  5. Night:: out on the town
  6. Nevada:: Vegas
  7. Weekend:: trip
  8. Write:: block
  9. Friend:: the best
  10. Seventeen:: I’m glad I’m not anymore

Killing time

I got stood up at uni by someone who was supposed to bring me articles to copy, so I have to kill time on this really crappy computer with an even crappier keyboard…

Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Ignore:: me
  2. Death:: wish
  3. Missy:: Eliot
  4. Ballet:: dancer
  5. Guest:: house
  6. Campus:: Columbia
  7. Lonely:: girl
  8. Company:: dinner
  9. Helicopter:: ride
  10. Sterile:: conversation

Wow, those are weird answers! 🙂

Just a lifesign…

I’m actually doing pretty well. Just got a bit of a cold and was quite busy over the weekend due to a uni workshop, so I’m making up for the lazing about I couldn’t do then… 🙂

Introverted (I) 64.71% Extroverted (E) 35.29%
Realistic (S) 60% Imaginative (N) 40%
Emotional (F) 51.72% Intellectual (T) 48.28%
Organized (J) 67.74% Easygoing (P) 32.26%
Your type is: ISFJ
You are a Guardian, possible professions include – counseling, ministry, library work, nursing , secretarial, curators, bookkeepers, dental hygienists, computer operator, personnel administrator, paralegal, real estate agent, artist, interior decorator, retail owner, musician, elementary school teacher, physical therapist, nurse, social worker, personnel counselor, alcohol/drug counselor.

Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test

Quick update

I’ve been having a lot of ups and downs lately, which is why I’ve been so quiet. It’s hard to accept that sometimes the thought of the simplest things (like updating a website, going to uni, or answering emails) is enough to overwhelm me. On days like this, all I can do is to avoid anything that puts me unders pressure (even if it’s just imagined pressure) and try to cope.

It’s frustrating for me, being a person who likes to be pretty much in control of her life and her emotions, but I have to learn how to live with it, I guess.

And now for something different – Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Political:: debate
  2. Concentration:: camp
  3. Fish:: without a bike
  4. Lunacy:: too close for comfort
  5. Red:: herring
  6. Imply:: what do you say?
  7. Recognize:: me
  8. Sexist:: pig
  9. Commercial:: value
  10. Stricken:: don’t hurt me!

Friday Five

I’m feeling a bit sick these days, which is why I still have not finished tweaking the new layout and why there haven’t been new pictures posted. Sorry. But here’s a little something: The Friday Five

At this moment, what is your favorite…

1. …song? Maria Solheim – Late At Night

2. …food? Frione chocolate – very comforting…

3. …tv show? CSI

4. …scent? peppermint tea

5. …quote? “I’m glad you’re with me, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.” Frodo in ‘Return of the King’ – awwww… 🙂

And another one

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Exchange:: I always get a bad rate when exchanging money.
  2. Parental Advisory:: Eminem
  3. Blowout:: feels good sometimes
  4. Spider:: Shelob
  5. Happy:: I always try to be
  6. Intense:: intense looks give me goosebumps
  7. Corrupt:: politics and economy
  8. Got:: a life?
  9. Crude:: not my style
  10. Three:: stooges

Saturday Senses

Saturday Senses

Let´s go with a classic hipothetical situation this week: you have to go to a desert island for a 3 year research. You can only take one person with you and 2 items of each category below. What do you choose and why?

[sight]:: Which items you can look at or watch or read do you choose to bring along?
My ‘Lord of the Rings’ book, the movie ‘Playing by Heart’.

[taste]:: You are allowed to choose only 2 diferent types of food to eat for the whole 3 years. What do you choose?
Pasta and chocolate.

[smell]:: You will miss people, places, your life in general, right? Say you can take “bottled” smell to remind you of things you will miss. Which smells are they?
My mom’s smell when I hug her. The smell of peppermint.

[touch]:: Which 2 grooming or higiene items do you take with you?
toothbrush, body lotion

[hearing]:: You´re allowed to take a mp3 player along, but with only 2 songs. Which ones are they?
Idlewild – Scottish Fiction, Flogging Molly – Devil’s Dancefloor

1) You have a choice of 3 other items, any items, anything. What can´t you absolutely live without? Get creative!

I don’t think I could live without my laptop, I really don’t. Also, my old toy dog Lumpi to help me sleep, and a picture of my family.

2) Who do you take to the island with you and why?
Oh, hard one! Maybe Märrie, because we never get tired of each other’s company and she makes me laugh.

Weekly meme time, part 2

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Concert:: crowds, singing, losing yourself in the music
  2. Sydney:: great city – surprised me how much I liked it
  3. Shower:: a luxury and a chore (at times)
  4. Patterns:: kilt tartans
  5. Market:: shopping for Christmas gifts
  6. Chair:: the one I’m sitting on right now
  7. London:: too big and loud for more than a week
  8. Reception:: where I will work this afternoon
  9. Republican:: Bush (ugh!)
  10. Cough:: too often in the last month

Weekly meme time, part 1

Saturday Senses

[sight]:: if you were an image, what image would you be?
Maybe a deep green forest, sunlit but with shady corners.

[taste]:: if you were a taste, what taste would you be?
Dark chocolate – sweet and rich, but with bitter undertones.

[smell]:: if you were a smell, what smell would you be?
Green apple – Sweet but fresh.

[touch]:: if you were a touch, what touch would you be?
The caress of a hand against a cheek – soft and tender, but a bit timid.

[hearing]:: if you were a sound or music, what sound or music would you be?
Something instrumental, maybe celtic – at times fast and joyful, at other times a bit sad and lamenting.