Comic review: Serenity – Leaves on the Wind, by Zack Whedon & Georges Jeanty

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (cover image)
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind
Zack Whedon & Georges Jeanty, Dark Horse Books 2014

Firefly is one of my all-time favourite tv shows, mostly because Joss Whedon somehow managed to create characters I adore. Every single one of the band of misfits aboard the Serenity feels like a friend, which is why I treasure every chance I get to spend more time with them.

This comic, collecting six issues, picks up shortly after the movie Serenity and reads like a proper mini-series. The information about Miranda was released, but the Alliance is powerful and won’t topple easily. As always, they have aces up their sleeves, some quite surprising. However, now there’s a New Resistance movement (led by new character Bea, who I liked very much), hoping to fight back – if only they had a leader… Unfortunately Malcolm Reynolds, as always, is definitely not volunteering for the role. All he wants is some peace for his crew, not in the least because there’s a new addition. As per usual, however, he might not have a choice, and soon our Firefly family is caught up in events and fighting to remain together.

The stakes are high all through the story, and I was unable to put it down until the end – which leaves enough open to make me very hopeful for another run. Of the four stories told in comic-format, this is easily my favourite. And I’m not saying that just because seeing Mal and Inara finally together made me smile big time. 🙂

Watch How I Soar
  • Serenity: Leaves on the Wind, by Zack Whedon & Georges Jeanty


This reads like a proper mini-series, hitting all the right beats and making this Firefly fan very happy indeed. Mal might not want to be a hero, but as always, life doesn’t really give him and his crew a choice. In typical Whedon fashion, there’s no happily-ever-after, but it ends on a satisfying note, with just enough things resolved and a few very intriguing hints at what will (hopefully) come next.