- It's cooled down quite a bit. Maybe I shouldn't sit around my flat in just a t-shirt… *shivers* #
- Today I did a total of 225 situps thanks to the 200 Situps iPhone app. (Week 4, Day 2, Level 3) #200Situps #
- Hm. Got a ticket to see Flogging Molly tonight + meeting someone from OkCupid there – but don't really feel like noise and crowds today. :/ #
- Just finished my 1st run of week 4 with #getrunning – 31½ minutes of exercise and 16 minutes of running. Next run: Dienstag 22nd. #
- Gah. *pants* Week 4 of C25K is SO much harder than week 3 – going from 9 to 16 minutes of running, with less walking in between. #getrunning #
- Watching The Lodger, which is awesome for having nekkid!Doctor and footie!Doctor… *g* #doctorwho #
- Blooming orchid http://flic.kr/p/8bRzAn #
- While I'm sad that I'm missing Flogging Molly I can't help smiling every time I look at my rainbow-striped toe socks. #optimist #
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