- Babysitting moving guys setting up furniture in uberboss' flat. They speak only Italian, which makes communication interesting… 🙂 #
- This sums up perfectly the Twitter experience today: RT @stephenfry: Help. I’m stuck in a repeat loop. #
- Yay for tax returns! That just covered my flight to Haiti… #
- October 13, for two months – my project site is on http://inforeignparts.net, if you're interested… 🙂 #
- Foregoing sauna because I *really* need to do laundry today, as I'm almost out of clean underwear. Will definitely go running later, though. #
- See previous re-tweet: Now we only need equal wages, too… Only last week I signed a petition from female unionists: http://bit.ly/aufOUn #
- Just finished my 2nd run of week 3 with #getrunning – 25 minutes of exercise and 9 minutes of running. Next run: Donnerstag 17th. #
- Decided to end the day at sbux, fininshing The White Road (5th Nightrunner book). #
- Another re-loan of my @Kiva investment – now this is pain-free donating… 🙂 http://www.kiva.org/ #
- The lovely @eledhwenlin totally came to my rescue on her shiny coding horse! <3 #imnotapropergeek #
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