My daily life on Twitter ( 2010-05-21)

  • Why is getting up so difficult? #
  • Aww! The HuffPo's Obama PDA page makes me all melty inside: #
  • Heh – Backstreet Boys will headline San Francisco Pride. That.. amuses me muchly. *g* #
  • Last one in the office. So there's only one thing left for me to do: LONG WEEKEND, HERE I COOOOOME! *runs out the door, too* 😛 #fb #
  • Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease – a Gilmore Girls movie! *wibbles* #
  • Decided to start the weekend by watching the Grey's Anatomy season finale. Oh boy. #
  • Oh, holy cow, the internet ROCKS sometimes: Metafilter peeps rescued 2 Russian girls from human trafficking! #fb #
  • I don't care a bit about the romantic shit (except for Callie&Arizona) and personal drama on Grey's, but the f/f friendships are great. #tv #
  • Gah, Bones – why the "let's all point at and mock the 'crazy' dead guy" thing AGAIN? Show you should be better than this, really! #tv #

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