My daily life on Twitter ( 2010-05-20)

  • Wow. Just got my tattoo finished – so pretty! Forgot to take a picture but will later. Now, back to work for a bit. #fb #
  • Finished tree tattoo #
  • Oi, I could gobble up these onigiri konbu by the dozen… *licks fingers* #
  • Gah. This week's Criminal Minds makes me want to delete all my social network profiles… Please promise you won't stalk & kill me? *clings* #
  • Random observation: The tip of my pinkie is numb – what the hell? #
  • Dear CSI: Please get rid of Langston – please? (No, I don't have much hope of it, but it'd be sooo nice… *g*) #tv #
  • Oh, CSI: NY, such a Hitchcock/Rear Window homage! 🙂 #
  • Almost fell off the couch – I'm gifted that way. *g* #

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