My daily life on Twitter ( 2010-04-21)

  • Spent most of the morning getting the office more organised – we finally have storage for our supplies. No more piles on the floor! #
  • Now, if only I was similarly inspired for my flat… (but then, the office is HUGE, while my flat is tiny and will always seem crowded.) #
  • Mwahahaha! There's a book about the Obama campaign with this blurb: "When true conservatives run away, Obama zombies come out to play." #
  • Also, they call Obama 'radical'. Sorry, but he would just about qualify for a European social democratic party – definitely nothing left-er. #
  • Hee – they're giving some aspiring models burlesque lessons in the reality show I'm just watching. C'mon, gals, it's not *that* hard! 🙂 #
  • Lovely Lonely Planet iPhone city guides for free – snagged them all. You never know when you'll be in Moscow.. Thank you, #ashcloud 🙂 #
  • Gah, I should have bandaged my hand again today, especially with all the lifting I did at work – it's totally messed up again. Joy. :/ #

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