- Norwegian Government Run from an iPad During Icelandic Volcano – http://bit.ly/bDaROB /via @mashable – hee. Also: is it weekend yet? #
- *coughs like a cough-y thing* #
- Making more of a donation: already got half of my original investment in @Kiva projects back, so it can be reinvested and help more people! #
- RT @hugovdm: RT @joemisika: Pics of the Iceland Volcano by the Boston's The Big Picture – http://bit.ly/9WdLnk – pretty damn impressive! #
- Kinda suprised by how many people I know are either stuck somewhere or wanted to go somewhere and now can't.#volcanoday #
- I like that it's almost 8pm and it's still quite light outside. #
- Ever since the Easter trip I've been totally addicted to blackcurrant spritzer. YUMMY! #
- A girl can never have too many bags – a Treasury list on Etsy: http://bit.ly/cF3KSf (I might have bought most of those already… *g*) #
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