- Woke up to U2's Beautiful Day – why are you mocking me, world?! 😛 #fb #
- One more thing to love about Twitter: @Cern's live twittering of the potential apocalypse! *g* #
- And look, we're still here… *g* RT @CERN: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!! #
- Managed to borrow laundry card from neighbour – relief, I was running out of underwear… *g* #
- Watching LA Ink makes me itch to get my tree finished… I'm SO hooked. *g* #
- Read at Cakefriends for a couple of hours. Have now discovered Zurich branch of my fave sushi place, Negishi. Good food = happier Eva. 🙂 #
- My Top 2 Weekly #lastfm artists: Ceremony (1) and Lena Meyer-Landrut (1) http://bit.ly/aGdKQx #
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