- Oops, forgot to set yesterday's girly photo to public… 🙂 http://www.flickr.com/photos/shirasade/4373263570/ #
- Added a couple more pics from after the pampering session: http://bit.ly/9v1Ze2 http://bit.ly/ba2aeb http://bit.ly/di9GpR 🙂 #
- Time for a bit of a walk now, I think, before the sun disappears. #
- I find it rather strange that Zurich transport are calling Fasnacht carnival -very not Swiss. 🙂 #
- Photo: Zurich Fasnacht http://bit.ly/c3WNbA #
- It's slightly pathetic how exhausted I am after my short excursion. But the fresh air was good, and I got yummy veggie fare from Tibits. #
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