- I think the tai chi exercises yesterday (with a sub teacher) broke my back. Ouch! Is it weekend yet? #
- Whoever invented maraschino cherries should be forced to live the rest of his life of those yucky artificial disgustoid things! #
- The previous tweet was brought to you by my dessert of otherwise absolutely gorgeous black forest tarte… #
- A laugh while I wait for the printer to finish and let me GO HOOOOME! http://bit.ly/bIXQiy #
- Another reason to love Jane Espenson: the story of Sam Adama's tattoos (Caprica) – http://trunc.it/5phrx #tv #
- Honeys, I'm hoooome! And boy, was I ready for my couch.. But: Last week of working full time OVER (next week taking a day off for Fasnacht)! #
- http://twitpic.com/145hx4 – Watching last week's QI and @stephenfry's face just cracked me up. 😀 #
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