- Well, finally! RT @cnnbrk: Obama calls for repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell' http://bit.ly/d0uPCJ #
- Been snowing softly all day – lovely! Makes me want to visit my parents out in the countryside and go for a hike in the snow. #
- Reading this is seriously like reading a romance novel: http://bit.ly/2CZLrS – I can't stop! 🙂 #
- Craptastic body is still craptastically feverish but at least now stationed on my couch, which helps. Don't think I'll make tai chi tonight. #
- First time ever I didn't feel better after tai chi – but I had to go, as I'm missing it next week for a concert. 🙁 #
- I think I'm having a musicgasm! *g* RT @gretamorgan: Can't wait for my friend Patrick's solo album — http://patrickstump.com/ #
- Oh, holy shit, who'd have thought the day of @PatrickStump tweeting would ever come?! *wibbles* #
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