Mobile updates on 2009-07-03

  • Dear Swisscom – wtf is up with the internet cutting out on my iPhone? Annoyed, me #
  • TGIF! I'm stressed out and looking forward to finally having some time to relax. But mainly I want to wish my not-so-little bro HAPPY BDAY!! #
  • Got a flat! Now I just have to decide whether to take it, as it's on a very busy road. Also, no bathtub. Ion: brother bday surprise success! #
  • AudioBoo: Flatyay?boo #
  • Sibylle's in town so I'm dashing into town for a quick drink. Weekend! #fb #
  • Going through my hacked domain manually. Already deleted several files that had no business there. But so many folders still to go.. GAH! #
  • I must be weird (no surprise, really *g*) because the "female-alien-impregnating-the-last-male-human" routine on SYTYCD made me gleeful. #

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