Back in my room, which now looks as cozy as ever. Still have to hang pictures (although wallspace is scarce – too many books! *g*) and put up my CD racks, but other than that is’s all done. Walls were painted, a new carpet (in light yellow) was bought and all the furniture and things carried back in and re-arranged to improve studying conditions. Yesterday especially was exhausting, so now I’m really glad to have it behind me.
And right in time, too: A happy beginning of December to everyone that celebrates Christmas! Christmas is my favorite time of year and I’m very excited that it’s now officially begun – last Sunday was the first day of Advent, and now it’s December. My mom gave me the traditional Advent calendar (in the form of a cute postcard) and I opened the first door this morning.
I also found a Finnish Advent calendar online – very cute!
Edited to add: I’ve not forgotten.