New projects

There are two things I’m currently playing with – what with not having much to do at uni until starting my thesis in January, this seems like the time.

One is focusing my web activities – I currently own nine domains, just because it’s so easy and cheap to buy them, and it’s just getting too spread out and complicated. So there’ll be some big changes – I’ll even get rid of this domain, in all probability, creating a new one that is just my stuff, blog and all. But that’s in the future, as it’ll take me a while to prepare this move.

The other thing is that I’m thinking of creating a podcast – just somewhere where I ramble about my life in Switzerland, my travels, my interests. I’ve been playing around with Audacity, creating soundbites to use as title, ending and segment music. It’ll be Gilmore Girls themed, matching my new domain. We’ll see how that goes… 🙂