Just… unbelievable

The catastrophe caused by Katrina is almost too much to bear.

Not because of the strength of the hurricane, although the damage it did is horrifying, but one natural disaster seems to follow the other – and now people in parts of the richest country of the world are dying of thirst and New Orleans has been turned into a war zone. The lack of organized help is what really breaks my heart. To see all those people left to fend for themselves – I mean, the government had warning, they had time to prepare, but it’s been four days and things have only gotten worse. And to think that the UN accused Switzerland of being badly prepared for the high waters…

Naturally I’ve donated some money, just to feel as if I’m doing something. I chose to donate both to the America Red Cross, for the victims of Katrina, and to the Swiss branch, for catastrophes in other parts of the world. It just makes me want to cry.

One thought on “Just… unbelievable

  1. Ich glaube, dass ist eine Sache, die das alles noch unfassbarer erscheinen lässt – so ein großes Land, das solch einer Katastrophe scheinbar völlig machtlos gegenüber steht …

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