Something my mom saw on a postcard in Berlin

Kleine Morgengymnastik

Ich stehe mit dem
richtigen Fuss auf,
öffne das Fenster
meiner Seele,
verbeuge mich
vor allem, was liebt,
wende mein Gesicht
der Sonne entgegen,
springe ein paar Mal
über meinen Schatten
und lache mich gesund.

Small morning exercise

I stand up
with the right foot,
open the window
to my soul,
bow down
before everything that loves,
turn my face
towards the sun,
jump a couple of times
over my shadow,
and laugh myself healthy.

I’m not sure all the German metaphors translate. But I tried.

Unrelated: I made the mistake of buying chocolate marshmellows (at least that’s what tells me it’s called in English) for me and my brother, so now I can’t stop eating them. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Something my mom saw on a postcard in Berlin

  1. Ooh that’s so pretty! Wouldn’t it be so nice if we could actually live like that everyday? Aaand… chocolate marshmellows? God, where do you get those? :p

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