Good and bad news

Bad news first – I seem to be somewhat sick. That sucks, because I can’t concentrate and feel quite crappy, especially when combined with the good news:

I’ve got the internship at the Swiss Tropical Institute here in Basel. I hadn’t thought that they still had capacities on such short notice, but they do, and I’ll spend three weeks there from Sept 13, together with two uni friends. That’s what you get from your uni connections – one of my teachers (actually, the one I want to be my mentor for my Masters exams) works there and got us the jobs. Not that we get paid or anything, or that this is something I want to do later in life – but it’s an internship, which is better than having to rush around looking for one…

This of course means that suddenly I don’t have as much leisure time to finish my fieldwork paper and then write my German Lit paper as I had thought. Pity, I’d been kind of looking forward to taking it easy and just working (at my old people’s home – some extra shifts because people are on vacation) and writing for the next two months… Oh well, I’ll try and get it all done nonetheless.

Just not today, as my head is in no shape to do decent work.

2 thoughts on “Good and bad news

  1. Ugh, bin au krank gsi. Eigentlich immer no echli. Hoffentlich gohts dir bald wider besser! Und gratulation zum Praktikumsplatz! 🙂 Jetz müese mir uns aber echt mol treffe!

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