PHP question

I’ve installed PHPCurrently – but if you look to your right to the ‘currently’ section, there’s nothing there. Can someone explain to me what I did wrong with the include? (I have no real idea about php, so it probably is my fault.)

This is what I added to my main template (with brackets, of course): ? include(“home/chocolat/public_html/currently/current.php”); ?
I also tried several other ways (like ?php, or just “currently/current.php”), but nothing worked.

Would be grateful for tips and pointers!

2 thoughts on “PHP question

  1. Hi, Eva,
    I don´t know php myself, but I´ve read somewhere that if you´re going to have includes in a page, it should be a example.php instead of example.htm or example.html. This is probably why… Try to rename your page, I know you´ll have to change some configuration in mt, but this should fix it. If not, then I have no idea, so try this at your own risk. 😉
    btw, trying hard to answer your email, ,I will as soon as I can. You now understand why sometimes it takes a while for me to answer ;-), but I´m very glad you wrote back.

    Take care. 🙂


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