Slowly I’m starting to feel a bit melancholic, because more and more good-bye emails are arriving in my inbox. As much as I’m looking forward to the next two months — online time will be very limited and there won’t be many opportunities to read my friends’ blogs and LJs.
But I’ll still be around on email, and I’ll try to update my trave log regularly. And of course there’ll be my study blog, of little interest to anyone but me probably, but probably the place that I’ll update the most (daily if possible).
My parents called last night to say good-bye, too, I’ve met several friends, and will see Regina once more later today. Sibylle and I are supposed to meet up tonight for ice cream, and I hope we will.
My bags are packed, the train to the airport tomorrow chosen, and the typical pre-trip mix of dread and anticipation is setting butterflies loose in my stomach. I probably won’t be sleeping very well tonight — I never do. But then, I’m not sleeping well anyway because of the heat… 🙂