Ups and downs

This whole internship search has been quite a rollercoaster these past two months, bringing with it quite a bit of disillusionment and disappointment, as I realized how little of value for the job market I actually have to offer. It even made me doubt my whole career plan of working in the area of international relations/NGOs.

Now I’ve finally got an interview with a youth exchange organisation lined up next Monday, and my chances are looking quite good, as I’d be a last minute replacement for an intern who quit. So for the time being I’m in very good spirits and full of hope – and the lovely warm sunshine certainly doesn’t hurt either. 🙂

Also, you can find the photos I took on my short trip to Germany at the beginning of the month: First I met up with Märrie und Katharina (a friend from Hamburg) in Potsdam and we visited the LotR Exhibition, then I spent a couple of days with Märrie and her family near Bonn. This also included an afternoon in Düsseldorf, where I met Karin and Shuichi’s little baby boy Kaito for the first time.

-> Flickr album