I’m not quite sure why I get so excited every time the white stuff comes down – probably something to do with happy childhood memories of building igloos and riding sleighs down the only hill in the vicinity… (I lived in Northern Germany, in Neumünster, until I was seven, and I remember a lot of snow, while here in Basel it rarely really snows.)
In any case, even when it means that the sky is grey and it gets dark at 3pm (like now), I can’t help but be all bubbly and excited about it. 🙂
Oh, and before the holidays are completely in the past – here are some photos I took, if you’re interested:
Our house at night during the season. We live upstairs.
My family at dinner on Christmas Eve. We always eat toast with yummy salads and stuff from the delikatessen, so my mom doesn’t have to cook.
Michi with the t-shirt I had printed for him – ‘Milhouse’ is his online nick, and he just loved it. Go me! *g*
Our tree this year, as always decorated by my brother and me.