
I’m getting tired of being sick. Especially because I really should be working on my paper — I was so nicely right on schedule, and now that’s gone all out of the window… First the viral throat infection, and now I caught a cold — apparently a normal combination, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been sick for a week now. Feeling somewhat better than when the infection was in full swing, but am still feverish and aching.

But it’s not only the paper that’s irking me. On Monday is the Swiss national holiday, and therefore I’ll be working the next three days — always mornings, which seemed like a good idea at the time. I also had to work last night, which didn’t go down all that well. So yes, not exactly looking forward to this long weekend…

Anyway, please excuse the whining — I’m just feeling a bit frustrated this morning and needed to vent.

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