All of a sudden I am dead tired. It’s not that I did a lot of exhausting stuff today – I worked a bit on my next paper and went to the hairdresser’s, but just now all I’m up for is lying on the couch, trying not to fall asleep… Might also be the weather, because it’s cool and grey and doesn’t really feel like summer.
Anyway, I’m pretty excited about my next paper – it’ll be a kind of continuation of the Medias paper I wrote two years ago, about identity and the internet (in German), but it’ll focus on online communities. Again I’ll do a questionnaire to collect my own data as well as using already existing literature. The only thing that can go wrong is that the books that I already got from the library a while ago might be recalled before I had time to go through them. Hopefully that won’t happen, though. *crosses fingers*
Because this is a topic that I’m very interested in and that I chose myself, I really want to do a good job. So this will probably take quite a bit longer than the zombie paper – but that’s okay, since luckily I have almost two months until I leave for Japan in September.