That means, time for the Unconscious Mutterings…
- Olympics:: 24/7
- Wicked:: witch
- Intoxicating:: freedom
- Radical:: measures
- Misinformed:: prejudice
- Triplets:: too many kids at once! đŸ™‚
- Coronation:: Street
- Asimov:: Isaac
- Contemporary:: art
- 1:: world
While recuperating from that short bout of flu, I fixed, moving it over to my own webspace and abandoning the reading rec project (the database was lost and no one except for myself posted there anyway). It’s now my bookish domain, with my reading log and my book fanlistings.
I used WordPress again and had to do some tweaking and stuff until everything was the way I wanted it to. I’ve never ran into so many problems while building a site before – but luckily it’s now all up and running…