I released three books into the wilds of Basel tonight. Regina, who I met for hot chocolate and a chat, thought I was pretty weird to deposit books in phone cabins and cafés – but I really hope that not all of them get trashed, and that maybe someone even leaves a note on the site… A pretty cool way of sharing books that you don’t want to keep, in my opinion.
And this week’s Unconscious Mutterings:
- Elastic:: band
- Intervention:: of friends and family
- Risk:: of heartfailure
- Junk food:: McDonalds – annoyingly yum!
- Arrogance:: something I really can’t stand.
- Responsibility:: something I really treasure.
- X:: Files
- Marshall:: McLuhan (was that his name? some important communications guy)
- Kill:: Bill
- Brother:: Bear
Which shows us that I watch too many movie trailers.