- I am out of sorts today, but I think I'm camouflaging pretty well – all the tension and anger is safely bottled up inside… #
- If I was still at uni, this would be a 'lost day'. As it is, I stuck it out at work but just canceled on my friends tonight.No Fasnacht. #fb #
- Ewan McGregor got knighted? I mean, I adore him (and his penchant for nakedness *g*), but whatever for? #
- Ah, @TheEllenShow had the same question – it was a French knighthood for the arts or something: http://bit.ly/asPQGm #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Amy Cook (1), [unknown] (1) and Bettie Serveert (1) http://bit.ly/aGdKQx #
- To keep my mind off stuff I went on another search for perfect Twitter client for me- now back on @seesmic (take that, crashing Socialite!). #
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