- Happy Fasnacht, Basel folks! Wish I was there… (I will be tomorrow evening, though!) #
- This list of romcoms looks pretty great: http://www.mookychick.co.uk/books/film-reviews/indie-romantic-comedies.php #
- Aww – Walter Koenig's son Andrew has gone missing in Vancouver: http://renegade-studios.com/newsletter/andrew/ #
- Meetings in the office all day – they're still at it, but I can leave now! #
- What I've been doing the last couple of days: blog post (http://bit.ly/cZo4cJ) and website (http://bit.ly/ae9Bov) for project @evagoeshaiti. #
- Sometimes I'm slow: after a good 9 months it JUST occurred to me that my lack of creativity isn't in spite of meds, it's because of them. :/ #
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