- Got info on the GVN Haiti program – nothing for October yet, but if the prices remain similar, it'll only be two weeks for me. Oh well. #
- Surprised how much this hurts: RT @amandapalmer setting aside 846 emails and removing the disabled feminists from her mental periphery, … #
- To really turn off Buzz I had to delete my profile – wtf, Google? http://ow.ly/18cx4 #
- Another Buzz question: Do I have to keep my profile deleted in order not to show up on other people's Buzz? #google #
- I <3 her so much! RT @CarrieFFisher: New blog post: ECT state of mind http://carriefisher.com/?p=554 #
- Back home for an hour for rest and light therapy before meeting A. to see 'A Single Man'. #
- Oooh yay – new Bondi Rescue, just what I need, some sun, sea and sexy lifeguards… 🙂 #tv #
- A Single Man is a stunning movie – and surprisingly warm and positive, considering the subject. And wow, Colin Firth! #
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